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This was an amazing experience! I love the graphics of this game and I can really appreciate the story it tells! Please add an endless mode with a creature that follows you. This game felt randomly generated which is amazing, it most likely was. And I am most definetly recommending this to others. The sounds were great as well, the crying and such. Please keep all of these elements if you consider on making a endless mode; it would be great! Again thanks for the amazing fun; definetly replayable!


Thank you so much for the kind words!

I might consider an endless mode at some point; originally I was going for one but it turned out to be too complex for the Gamejam.

One of the best Backrooms type of games yet

Gave it a go...

Made a video

Well done, creepy and absolutely solid. 👌👍 I was a bit sad that nothing happened at the end.. was waiting for a final booo... but then...🤣💥. Great Game 5⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐rs. 

I would absolutely love to see this as a full-fledged game at some point in the future. This was a great backrooms game! :D

Holy crap, this gave me goosebumps all around. Audio was well put together, lighting and room variation filled me with dread the gloomier it got, and layouts made me look behind me more than once. At the end, I couldn't keep my headphones on, it was too much. I think that says you did an amazing job with this game! Congratz!

I'll give an 8. I take back 2 points because I couldn't go windowed 800x600 so I wouldn't fear that much. Amazing atmosphere and sound design. Really good. The story is pretty cool too.


And now that I think about it you're right! I forgot to enable the resolution launcher. Might push another update soon.

Deleted 1 year ago

this was so great

my husband helped me play this. I have anxiety so he helps me with horror games to keep me from having seizures 

is this a horror game where something chases you or where you freak yourself out due to the suspense? jw thinking about doing a lets play. 

It's very atmospheric. I wouldn't say nothing chases you but definitely not in the usual way.

cool thx. i'll be doing a lets play of this some time next week

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